Thursday, August 5, 2010

Planet Preschool on the current kids' TV industry

I re-read that Peppa Pig story after posting it yesterday and noticed how quickly it glossed over some of the problems and setbacks the creators had in getting that show up on the air. They certainly had them, though, and the truth is that the trials and setbacks are part and parcel of kids' television production--often more prevalent than the successes and accolades. So it was really engaging for me to read Josh Selig's Planet Preschool post from Tuesday, about the sobering realities of the children's television industry post-Internet/recession. It's a great post full of camaraderie for those of us who have had trouble finding paid work over the past couple years. And it puts the troubles in perspective--there's still a great community out there ready to help anyone who needs it. I'm just a little fish in the big ocean, but if there's anything I can do to help with your work please let me know!

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